The Community
The who, what, why, and where about Global Light. In 2019, I experienced an awakening of sorts. Then, in May of 2021, through automatic writing, I was guided to start a community on a website bearing my name to help people find their path through the guidance of others, similar to a mentorship or collective program.
It needed to be under my name and not a corporate entity, as it is meant to be controlled by a person rather than a corporation.
Closed Membership
This community needed to be safe and accessible only to those who requested access. It wasn’t to be controlled by an algorithm or an AI bot. It needed to be supported by actual people. Plus, it needed to be simple to access. Since 2021, I have looked at numerous platforms that could support such a community—a place accessible from my site and controlled by those in light and love.
The community will build itself over time based on members' wants. I will support all of the community members as a channelled advisor. No one will be turned away, but there will be moderation to keep people safe. Donations will be accepted; to help, no one will be turned away.
The Platform
The platform is similar to a more popular social platform in its capabilities. Each person will have a profile they can create with all their other social locations. They can input their bio and pictures and communicate with others.
Here is a screenshot of what to expect when joining the community. All communities start in the same place: with founders who see the value and vision of what is being created.
People who help others are often referred to as Lightworkers because they live day-to-day to support others. I once posted a list of occupations that lightworkers start. However, I don’t want to limit a person by saying that you must become this person to work in the light.
We all have the ability to work in light and love; we need to decide daily to support others. As you help others, you will be guided on your path. We are always guided; however, the guidance becomes stronger as you help others. As time passes, you will recognize that you have developed gifts to assist you.
At first, like me, I discovered that I knew things—things that I should not have known. As an example, in July 2019, months before covid, I was advised to move my company out of the brick-and-mortar office and convert to an online remote operation. Then again, in September 2019, I was advised to create videos (that later became online courses). In March 2020, COVID-19 arrived and forced companies to move to remote operations quickly. And develop an online presence.
We were already set in place.
This strong business intuition has supported me and others as I have been able to identify trends before they happen.
The Need to Continue
I have other gifts as well. I can channel and am also an automatic writer. I am clairvoyant, clairaudient, and intuitive. I just know things. I am also a hands-on healer and highly empathic. The intent of the community is to gather and support each other globally, to tell our stories, and to learn from others—to become a collective.
Learning that you have these abilities can be a bit of a shock. In my case, I knew all these things but did not know where to go or how to deal with all of these gifts. So, I started to seek out advisors and support, and I read endless books.
This was all new to me, and to be honest, I didn’t really believe in such things prior to 2019. We come from all walks of life, and we need to have a place to go. We all must start somewhere. Where can you get the guidance you need? Where can you get help to understand what is happening?
Global Light Connect
This is the intention behind GLC. It is a place to find the answers, to hear about others' stories in a safe place away from people who might want to discredit or challenge you. There is no reason to hide your gifts. We all need to step up to the plate and help others find their way through the chaos and unknown aspects of spirituality.
Imagine a world filled with people in light and love. What could we accomplish as a group? This is not a special elite group. We all have abilities; you just need to learn to use them.
Global Light Connect was created to help others. It was created by me, Stan Hudecki. I was guided to start this community. It just takes one person to start. This group has been set up so that you can talk to others.
For most of my life, I have been behind the scenes and invisible. In this community, I am meant to be at the forefront, spearheading the community.
Seeing the Signs
You are an individual who is seeing the signs. Numbers in three’s and fours. Songs in your head. Dreams. Visions. Knowing things. A strong intuition. Synchronicities. Things that make you say hmmm . Deja Vu, Coincidences. They are everywhere. Movies and shows that you watch that have things in them that seem to talk to you. Do you think you chose that movie?
Things like this happen all the time to me. I was seeing things. I kept hearing different songs. And when I would look up the lyrics, it was like they were talking to me! I was taking notice. They were trying to get my attention. However, I didn’t believe in such things.
Some things are true whether you believe them or not. I decided to face all these things with an open mind. Some things seemed really odd to me, though… but I kept that open mind. I started to meet regularly with two specific channels. They told me interesting things about myself that I didn’t know or would believe. One of the hardest things to get past is the thought that it is just you making things up or that the information is coming from somewhere else. In my case, I didn’t know the information, so I realized it was not me. I knew things about people who would talk to me. And if they mentioned a loved one who had passed away, that person would often seek me out.
Still, after three years of this, I still feel like a novice. It is difficult at times to get out of one's logical head and think from one's heart. Some people see this as the message from the movie The Matrix, and sometimes, it can feel that way; however, it is not all accurate. Someone recently said The Matrix was an owner's manual, not a movie. There are some similarities.
If you feel this way, join the community. Become better at what you are and enter a group of people whose only goal is to make you more successful.
Why were you Lead Here?
People are directed to me by others or by websites or social media because they are in the light. Perhaps you have already awakened or you are starting to see the signs. All of us have specific skills. In my case, I can expand smaller ideas into larger ideas; you might be a software engineer or a finance wizard. We are drawn to the light to support each other. This community will allow you to connect to others, and follow them so that we may help each other.
If you are an active channel, dream interpreter, or spiritual leader and can help others, you can join this community and offer advice or suggestions. You will develop a following, and you will be part of something bigger than yourself.